- Diaren - Eternity 041
- Alex O'Rion - The Serpent (Sebastian Sellares Remix) [Meanwhile]
- Leandro Murua - Agathar (Original Mix) [Balkan Connection South America]
- tavaresgui - Light of Life (Original Mix) [Prototype Music]
- Agents Of Time - Northern Lights (Original Mix) [Afterlife Records]
- Eleonora & UNDERHER - Calling (Sasha Carassi Remix) [trueColors]
- Soel - Ghasia (Original Mix) [Bedrock Records]
- DAYKON - Basement Freak (Original Mix) [Sunexplosion]
- Michael A - Denouement (Original Mix) [Mashbuk Progressive]
- adelphos - Hanging on the Moon (Facundo Sosa Remix) [PHW Elements]
- Serge Canteros - Arabian (ANix JAy Remix) [Terasonic Records]
- Ewan Rill - Unseal (Original Mix) [PHW Elements]
- Sinan Arsan - Be the Limit (EMPHI Remix) [Droid9 South America]