- Bjorn Salvador - Feel (Erich Von Kollar Remix) [Stellar Fountain]
- GMJ - Ebb & Flow (Original Mix) [Meanwhile Horizons]
- Maze 28 - Cry of the Deserts (Aman Anand Remix) [Juicebox Music]
- Lisandro (AR) - Journey (Paul Deep Remix) [Proton Music]
- Edu Schwartz - Infinity Blue (Original Mix) [For Senses Records]
- DJ Bird, Papai ACCI Attila - Future (Diego Acosta UY Remix) [AH Digital]
- Rodrigo Lapena - Ether (Alan Cerra Remix) [pad]
- Rockka & Junior - Diversion (Leandro Murua & ZAHNA Remix) [Droid9]
- John Cosani - Donga (Original Mix) [Sudbeat Music]
- Leandro Murua - Takama (Original Mix) [Freegrant Music]
- Anton Make - Catollopa (HAFT Remix) [Mango Alley]
- CHIRUKA - Autumn Process (Original Mix) [Celestial Records]
- Michael A - Conviction (Supacooks Remix) [Kitchen Recordings]
- Kay-D - Midnight Hour (Original Mix) [Droid9]
- Paul Deep (AR) - Odyssey (Dmitry Molosh Remix) [Proton Music]